Opening Digital Doors: Datafakts Ltd’s Accessibility Mission | AI Chat Search

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Opening Digital Doors: Datafakts Ltd's Accessibility Mission | AI Chat Search

Imagine a world where everyone, regardless of their ability, can access and benefit from digital services without barriers. That’s the world Datafakts Ltd is committed to building. Our latest consulting with the innovative Generative AI Chat Search by, the Civtech 7.6 challenge winner of this Scottish Government Data Science Competition, is a testament to this commitment. This technology is now being Beta tested on

At Datafakts Ltd, we understand that accessibility isn’t just a feature; it’s a foundation. When approached us, they had a powerful AI tool designed to make information retrieval seamless. Our role? To ensure that this cutting-edge technology was accessible to all, including those with sensory loss or other barriers to digital services. Our team of experts, with over two decades of experience in sensory loss consultancy, dove deep into the project.

We conducted extensive user research, engaging with communities directly impacted by digital barriers. This wasn’t just about meeting guidelines; it was about understanding real-world needs and experiences. Through our collaboration, we identified key areas for improvement. Text size adjustments, screen reader compatibility, and voice recognition features were just the tip of the iceberg.

Our goal was to ensure that ConnectingYouNow’s AI wasn’t just smart; it was inclusive. One of the highlights of our project was the independent assessment conducted by the Digital Accessibility Centre. This wasn’t a mere formality. It was a rigorous test of our dedication to making and exceed Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

But our work doesn’t stop at compliance. We’re committed to ongoing improvement, based on real user feedback. The test phase on is a crucial part of this process, allowing us to fine-tune the technology based on how it impacts the people it’s meant to serve.

Datafakts Ltd isn’t just about implementing technology. We’re about breaking down barriers and building connections. Our involvement in this project isn’t just a service; it’s a commitment to creating a more inclusive digital world, one solution at a time.

As we look towards the future, our journey with AI is just the beginning. The potential for accessible AI is limitless. With your support, we can continue to innovate, improve, and inspire a global movement towards inclusive technology for all.

Join us in this mission. If you want community engagement and user research for your product, please contact us at

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